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Monday, September 6, 2010


I have a to-do list,

a books read this year list,

a birthday by date list,

a books to be read list,

a jewelry business to-do list

The lists go on and on!

Even my basic to-do list is broken down into sub-lists...


crafts, etc.

Oh and at work I have my to do list too!

But first and foremost on every list

is to live my desire to honor God

and honor my family.




cards and gifts

pay bills


Make jewelry,

take pictures,

edit pictures,

upload pictures,

post items.

Process orders,

Ship items :-)

But are these things what make me ME?


God made me ME, and I seek to live in His will every day.

I believe that He gave me the passion for family and He made our family who we are; I will love them.

I believe that He provides for our every need, so I'll stop worrying about how to pay for the tuition and the oil and the groceries. We will take vacations together; these are memories we can only make now.

I believe that He gave me compassion and talents to share with others, so I ask Him daily how I should do those things on this day that He has made.

This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalm 188:24

I write this not only to share this joy, but to remind myself to daily remember my purpose.